Play money

/ Tuesday, June 13, 2023 /

I know I mentioned yesterday we would delve into mid dudes, but I cannot. I do not have the energy to feed the ego of basic ass dudes who think they're special. You're not. Life is special. You're a Chad. 

Instead, we'll delve into me and that one time I decided to walk in a major US city by myself after 10pm. 

Early December 2022, I went on a mini vacation. Nothing major. Just went to visit former coworkers and then stopped by SF to see The New Pornographers play anniversary shows for Mass Romantic and Twin Cinema. Yes, I travelled to Toronto and they came around a year later. So what? A palm to the face and two trips later, we have no regrets. :) 

Night one after the show had me catching an Uber to the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn. I walked to the venue because I was on vacation, from my laziness. It was close and I drank and walked. I'm really dumb sometimes. I forgot that tiny drinking fact. I decided to be on one because I was on vacation. Fuck. Anyways, I exit the venue and there is some serious moisture in the air. I'd avoided getting sick  that season and I really didn't want to ruin night two, so I took an Uber back to my room. Not the worst thing ever, but not what I wanted for my walking vacation. Night two was much better. 

Night two was the night that The Fillmore gave out their free posters. I like going to shows at The Fillmore because of this. It's a good venue, but they do have a thing about pics of vids. That hasn't stopped this cunt. So a few shitty videos I have not looked at since I made them and a free poster later, I walked to my room.

So I start walking back. I will say that about a block from the venue I sobered up to the point where common sense crossed my mind. I also knew that if I didn't continue on my path, I would regret it. You really do regret the things you don't do. At this point I decided to try to stay near lit paths. Common sense. This decision did not last. I will say that buzzed me was also lazy and ultimately decided on the path of least resistance. Because of my choice of least resistance, I decided to turn right at the third block because walking downhill is so much easier than walking uphill. 

Walking downhill on a tree-filled street was not ideal. I have this really weird thing where sometimes I'm afraid of the dark. I wish I could explain it, but I can't. Anyways, I decided to walk confidently, the confidence of someone who is buzzed. Nearing the end of the block I take note of two individuals walking in my direction. They're holding something, and I'm on my own, so of course I get concerned, but I keep walking. I've committed to whatever comes next. Somehow, I'm not expecting the worst. I couldn't explain how or why, but this is me bravely facing whatever comes next. 

We meet at the end of the block and it is then that I realize they were at the show too! They're holding one of those free posters I have in my hand. Oh, this is too perfect, mostly because they're probably drunk too. It's one of those moments where you know you're dumb because you've been drinking and you're not making wise decisions, but then you encounter someone who is a bit worse than you because you know where you're going. You're not lost or confused. Yeah, it was that. And then and there, that's what I really needed. 

There was a mild Spiderman meme moment where my ass went, "Eeeyyyyyyyyyyy!" while pointing at their poster as I raised mine. I'm oh-so-proud. These dudes were cool enough to support my dorky-ness. My favorite part? We crossed paths like two ships in the night. Some moments can be small.

This is one of the more amazing things about life. Small random moments making essential memories. I love The New Pornographers, and I love all their shows I've gone to, as well as a majority of their catalog, but I've never befriended anyone who appreciates them like I do. I've never encountered an individual who has gotten as poetic about their lyrics as I can be. When I talk about music with others I don't mention them because of how unorthodox they are. But I'm a fan. It was comforting to cross paths with someone, out in the wild, who was a fan. It's one thing when you're all in the venue, but crossing a fan in the wild? Its a small comfort. 

Remember kids, the best things in life are free. 

I hope this was a cohesive story. Probably not 😭

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